Saturday, February 4, 2012

CKSM Foundation Week

Christ the King School of Muntinlupa or CKSM kicked off their 18th foundation week today with a Motorcade which started off at exactly 2 pm. It's the school that my family owns and runs! :) Here's what happened today! 

My brother, Jolo was the one who lit the cauldron that officially opens the celebration! Proud of you kid! 

Conrado came over also! :)

Mommy as the ever beautiful host!

And we also played Bingo! 

Hello to my teacher when I was in Prep, Teacher Donna! Love you always! :)

Queenie won 3 times in Bingo.. She was always this lucky especially when it comes to luck games.

The early moon at around 5 pm

Street food all the way! 

Thank you for accompanying me today! And also for the Vanilla Rose mochi! 


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